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Aikido 合気道

Aikido is a Japanese modern form of martial art, translated as "The Way of Harmony with Ki". Its effectiveness is the use of smooth, soft, circular movements while maintaining a firm center. It is possible to defend oneself from an opponent of superior size and strength, hence suitable for all ages, including children, ladies and the elderly.

The aim of Aikido training is not perfection of a technique or skill, nor to cause destruction, inflict injury or emerge as the winner. Rather, it is to harmonise or become one with nature, and it is this aspect that is appealing to many. Through Aikido practice, one's character is also developed so that one becomes focused with a strong mind within.

Aikido Documentary from National Geographic

Want to know more about the way of Aikido and how's training in Japan with various Aikido Masters? Check this out.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Important Announcement !!!

From 22nd March 2010, RP Aikido is having a change in committee. As we know that the committee is the core that provide us with a good training environment and cater to our very needs. So the choice of the committee members is in your hands. Be reminded that all RPAC members must be present on RP martial art room on 22nd March, 6.15pm for the voting of committee members. Please call 97780308 if you are unable to go.

All members including Alumni can join in the voting. You are to vote three persons for the three position in the committee:

  1. Captain
  2. Secretary
  3. Quartermaster

Note: The targets must only be year 2 . Be serious about the choice of people. For any queries, please call 97780308. See ya and Happy Holidays !!!


Upcoming Grading at NEW Headquarter

Hi all republic aikidoka,

Please take note that the HQ has been relocated and you need to report to the new HQ for the next adult grading on 14th March 2010.

21 Moonstone Lane
Poh Leng Building
Singapore 328462

To find the location of our Headquarters, click here to search on SLA StreetMap@Singapore.
[Enter 21 for Block/House No., Enter Moonstone Lane for Street Name]

For more information about locating the new HQ, please approach your seniors, or visit www.aikidoshinjukai.com .

Republic Polytechnic, Aikido Interest Group @ 2010