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Aikido 合気道

Aikido is a Japanese modern form of martial art, translated as "The Way of Harmony with Ki". Its effectiveness is the use of smooth, soft, circular movements while maintaining a firm center. It is possible to defend oneself from an opponent of superior size and strength, hence suitable for all ages, including children, ladies and the elderly.

The aim of Aikido training is not perfection of a technique or skill, nor to cause destruction, inflict injury or emerge as the winner. Rather, it is to harmonise or become one with nature, and it is this aspect that is appealing to many. Through Aikido practice, one's character is also developed so that one becomes focused with a strong mind within.

Aikido Subsidy Program for AY2009/10

Students under the subsidy program are to note the following change:

Attendance Requirement

Attendance will no longer be based on a percentage.
You are now entitled to take leave up to 2 sessions per quarter.
Quarters are defined as Apr-June, July-Sept, Oct-Dec, Jan-Mar, following RP's financial year.

Students who skip more than 2 sessions per quarter may be removed from the subsidy program and/or forfeit their $10 deposit.

Aikido Word Connection


A word will be given to start this game. Players are suppose to connect it to another word which starts with the letter that the previous word ended with.

For this game, our theme will be related to AIKIDO. Can be only japanese terms or techniques name in Aikido.

*Due to certain constraints. The next connection can be up to 2 words. Can be any english terms related to Aikido.

Theme: Fruits and Vegetables
Apple --> Eggfruit --> Tomato --> Orange ....

To play this, start by posting the next word through the comments.
Do not play on your own. =.= you have to wait for another player to post the next word before you can continue the next word after him/her. No repeating of words too.

Okay, lets start it.

The first word given is...


March Grading Reminder

To all Aikido-ka planning to grade in March:

Kindly note that submissions end on 1st March.
Students who are unfamiliar with the techniques, kindly approach a senior belt for advise before/after class!

# Submission date : 8th February 09 - 1st March 09 (submission from 2nd March onward will not be considered)

# Grading date : 15th March 09 (Sunday)

# Venue : Aikido Shinju-kai HQ

HomeTeamNS-JOM Clubhouse
31 Ah Hood Road (off Balestier Road)
3rd Level, Martial Arts Hall
Singapore 329979

Sports Excellence Awards

The Sports Excellence Awards are awarded to students in recognition of their contribution to sports development and awareness in RP.

Vote in your seniors and yourselves with the link below for the Meritorious Award!
Be quick though, voting ends on Friday, 6th Feb 11.59pm!


Reminder for Students Under Aikido Subsidy Program

Students under the subsidy program, kindly please note the following:

1) Working/Traveling Overseas in March

Working/Overseas in March:
1) Inform Joshua by 23th Feb (Mon)
2) No subsidy given for March
3) Attendance will exclude March's trainings

Students who wish to abstain from training in March, kindly inform Joshua at 60759@myrp.edu.sg by 23rd Feb.
No subsidy will be given for the month and the attendance will not include March's trainings.

2) Compassionate Leave/Sick

Students who have fallen ill or skipped training due to unforeseen events, kindly contact Joshua at 60759@myrp.edu.sg

Kindly provide the following:
1) Copy of M/c (scanned in image preferred)
2) Explanatory letter

3) Renewal of Subsidy Program
Students who wish to continue receiving the subsidy are to arrange for an interview with our IG Advisor. Kindly contact Kevin at kevin_tan@rp.sg

Guess Who?

Guess Who?

From Republic Polytechnic Aikido Interest Group

Make a quick guess who the person is starting from left to right.

format: name A, name B, name C...

if you don't know who that person is, put a "-" to replace the name.

Post answer using post comment.

Training Resumed

Please take note that training will resume as of 2nd feb 2009.

Please report for training session as usual.

Venue: RP Martial Arts Room
Date: 2nd Feb, Monday
Time: 5:15pm

Republic Polytechnic, Aikido Interest Group @ 2010